Dezember 2021
Social Media – ein Katalysator für Sensationsmeldungen & unumgänglicher Begleiter der politischen Kommunikation

Die schnelle Verbreitung von Geschichten via Social Media haben nicht nur den Lobbyismus nachhaltig verändert. Sensationsmeldungen, oftmals mit Fake-News gekoppelt, werden tagtäglich über soziale Netzwerke und Online-Plattformen verbreitet, konsumoiert und haben Einfluss auf z. B. Kaufentscheidungen und Wahlverhalten.

Alexander Schmitt-Geiger kommt in der Artikelserie „Politische Kommunikation im Wandel“ des Dienstleisters Cision, als Experte für Public Affairs zu Wort.


Oktober 2013
Communication Director: „Litigation PR: blessing or curse?“

Weighing up the objectives and success factors of a relatively young field of communication.
By Alexander Schmitt-Geiger PUBLICATIONS & INTERVIEWS

Oktober 2013
Litigation-PR: Strategische Rechtskommunikation bei Unternehmenskrisen

In the handbook Crisis Management, edited by Ansgar Thiessen, Alexander Schmitt-Geiger presents a systematized approach to litigation PR mandates developed in practice. It is an integrative model for the communicative management of the "crisis litigation". The paper presents different areas of application for litigation-PR, describes possible goals, outlines basic strategies and approaches, and presents three success factors that have proven to be particularly relevant in practice for the success of litigation-PR.

The Handbook Crisis Management is the central reference work for post-modern crisis management. For the first time, a volume of such theory and practice is dedicated to new insights and developments in crisis management. While crises have long been dealt with manuals, mass communications, ready-made processes or external consultants, topics such as agility, experiential knowledge, network and decision-making abilities as well as sophisticated management of claims of individual opinion leaders are in the foreground today.

All in all, 30 authors who helped to shape this post-modern crisis management make systematic contributions and develop the topic in four areas:

- the foundations as a foundation for the central concepts for crisis management (strategy, crisis, stakeholder management, reputation and crisis management / crisis communication),

- the structures of crisis management (crisis management, crisis perception, inter-organizational relations and cultural phenomena as well as the stakeholders media, employees and lawyers),

- Fields of activity with key areas of corporate decision making in crisis (management, supervisory / administrative, legal and communications) and

- the limits of crisis management - whether controlled by functional transparency or unintentionally demonstrated by mechanisms of public perception.


July 19, 2010
Prof. Dr. Lars Rademacher and Alexander Schmitt-Geiger publish fundumental ground breaking work on Litigation-PR

With their current publication "Litigation-PR: Everything's Right" (Springer VS), the two editors present the first basic work on strategic legal communication in Germany. The programmatic anthology summarizes the current discussion on the significance and function of strategic legal communication. In the volume important representatives of the theory as well as the leading voices of the practice on the part of the journalism, the public prosecutor's or courts and the consultation. Thus, the book provides the first comprehensive presentation of the status quo of litigation PR in German-speaking countries. The foreword to the anthology is from the EMMA editor Alice Schwarzer, who reported intensively on the Kachelmann process.

Mai 2011
PRReport: „Die große Unbekannte“

The European Union is viewed critically by the population. Prejudices shape public opinion. The PRReport interviewed Alexander M. Schmitt-Geiger on the question of whether and why the EU's dysfunctional relationship with citizens is a result of poor communication.

November 23, 2011 Krisenkommunikation – So schützen Sie Ihre Reputation in stürmischen Zeiten!

On Alexander M. Schmitt-Geiger describes for which companies crisis communication is relevant, what companies can do in advance and what companies should consider during a crisis.

Oktober 2010
PRReport: „Prognose: Heiter bis wolkig“

The case of weather moderator Jörg Kachelmann has everything that needs a good media story: crime, sex, lies and as the main character a prominent TV presenter, who may have led an immoral double life. In PRReport, three specialists in litigation PR, including Alexander M. Schmitt-Geiger, assessed the previous communication in this media spectacle.

26. August.2010
Wirtschaftsjournalist: Bitte keine Marketinghäschen

In this issue, the business journalist investigates the pros and cons of editorial visits. In addition to business journalists, PR experts, among them Alexander M. Schmitt-Geiger, have their say. The article shows that business journalists are surprisingly open to such personal meetings, while PR agencies set high standards for an editorial visit or background discussion.

Juli/August 2010
Kommunikation & Recht: Litigation-PR Alles was Recht ist: Der Sieg im Gerichtssaal bedeutet noch nicht das Gewinnen der öffentlichen Meinung

On the basis of two prominent cases, the Mannesmann trial and the banking dispute between several direct banks and savings banks, Prof. Dr. Perry Reisewitz, Macromedia University of Media and Communication Munich and Alexander M. Schmitt-Geiger Tasks, Goals and Methods of Litigation-PR.

01. Februar 2010 Litigation-PR: So retten Sie Ihren Ruf!

On Alexander M. Schmitt-Geiger describes what Litigation-PR is and what significance this communication discipline has for small and medium-sized companies.

04. April 2009
Steuerberater Magazin: Vorsicht Kamera! Wie Steuerberater von Berufsfotografen ins beste Licht gerückt werden

In the April issue, the Steuerberater Magazin deals with the pictorial public representation of tax consulting firms. As an expert on law firm PR, Alexander M. Schmitt-Geiger from COMMUNICATION PUBLIC AFFAIRS was interviewed. COMMUNICATION PUBLIC AFFAIRS He describes common mistakes in the visual design of homepages and office brochures. He also gives practical tips and outlines developments and trends in the external presentation of tax consulting firms. COMMUNICATION PUBLIC AFFAIRS And: COMMUNICATION PUBLIC AFFAIRS offers, in cooperation with the nwb Verlag, the first ten senders a short analysis of the homepage by Alexander M. Schmitt-Geiger.

09. Februar 2009
Betriebs-Berater: Litigation-PR schützt vor öffentlicher Verurteilung

In this edition of the company consultant, Alexander M. Schmitt-Geiger presented the new communication discipline of litigation PR. Using practical examples, he explained what Litigation-PR is, where Litigation-PR is used, and what benefits this brings for clients. He also highlighted basic strategies of litigation PR and the market situation of litigation PR experts in Germany.

03. März 2008
Steuerberater Magazin PR: Wenn Berater Berater brauchen

Steuerberater Magazin presents the topic of public relations for tax consultants in the March issue. As a specialist for law firm PR, the author also interviewed Alexander M. Schmitt-Geiger of COMMUNICATION PUBLIC AFFAIRS. For readers of the magazine is online a checklist "Press and Public Relations for Accountants" available. Alexander M. Schmitt-Geiger was exclusively interviewed here and gave tips on how law firms can gain more public attention among relevant target groups.