Board members, managing directors, supervisory board members - all of them are under pressure today to be personally held accountable for their professional activities. Media execution, criminal prosecution and prison sentences for corporate executives, which are widely discussed in the media, are not uncommon today. EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATION


This has not only to do with a changed jurisdiction. Behind this there is also a social polarization, a changed media landscape and globalized markets.


Therefore, leaders from companies are much stronger in the fire, as a few years ago. An unfortunate statement can mean the end of the career.

With our consulting, we strategically prepare for successfull careers. With our camera and interview training, we perfect the performance of executives. And with our reputation management, we complete our career triad for top executives.




We are lateral thinkers, spin doctors, and new path-walkers in developing strategies for significant decisions of CEO´s and leaders.


With our view from the outside and an international perspective in the heart, we create the future of executives and companies.




We strengthen the media competence of executives. From stress interview to camera training with style advice. We prepare CEO's comprehensively and with the participation of experienced journalists for all challenges of media appearances.



The reputation of companies or leaders comes from stories. They are often emotional and often unusual. Unternehmen oder von Führungspersönlichkeiten entstehen durch Geschichten. Sie sind oft emotional und häufig ungewöhnlich.


We manage the reputation of companies and executives by spreading their own narratives. With catchy storytelling, we shape the reputation of companies and executives.


With our reputation management, we ensure broader approval for challenging decisions.

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